Sunday, December 7, 2008

I Need a Literary Agent

I woke up this morning thinking about my plight. I need a literary agent to represent my manuscript, WALKING THE DOG. It is a 10,000 word chapter book for ages 7 - 11. If I could have any agent in the world it would be someone who understands my work. Believes in my work and will comb the coasts until they find a publishing house worthy and suited for my creation. Last week I sent my manuscript to the Andrea Brown Literary Agency. I wait patiently for their response. Over the years I have shopped my work with Andrea Brown many times and they always answer in a timely manner. They have been kind enough to read my every submission. I pray that they will treat my latest manuscript with the same consideration. I'll keep you posted as things unfold. Meanwhile, share your agent stories with me. And, if you have suggestions or other agents to recommend, please do so. In the meantime, carry on with your creative pursuits like your life depends on it...because it does. Some of you (like me) are waiting for that shining moment when your creative efforts and the coins earned from them will supercede your salary at the Post Office. But until then, carry that mail, lift that bale and denounce your doubt. You are a writer!


Kelly said...

I wish you much success. You'll find the right agent and home for your book. Sounds great, by the way :). Thanks for sharing your journey.

Rae Ann Parker said...

I am still hoping for an agent also. When I start the query process on a new/completed project, I always go to and type in my age group, (YA, middle grade, etc.) and go through the list of agents.
It is great to have a complete list to read through.
Hope this helps!