Friday, December 12, 2008

Editing Your Manuscript

Ok, I finished writing my first chapter book for young children. I call it WALKING THE DOG. Its about a little boy who starts a dog walking service that turns disastrous. Well, I let accomplished writer friends read it for constructive editorial comments and remarks. I took their remarks and polished the manuscript. I then let one of Memphis' celebrated novelists and educators read my story. He doesn't write for children. Adult short stories are his specialty. However, I respect him greatly. He is a master of fiction. And guess what? He suggested MORE changes. As far as I am concerned, editing hurts! It is grueling but so necessary. Editing increases your chances of getting published. Most writers realize early on that the editing process is where real writing takes place. Respect the process! As my teacher friends say, "lean into the discomfort!" I equate the editing process with wearing braces on your teeth. Child, it hurts like the dickens wearing those ugly things. But when the process is complete? Beautiful!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hello! I'm pulling for you! I have added you to my blogroll, so I'll be stopping by a lot. Hopefully someone who can help will stop in.